Thursday, December 30, 2010

New YOUs Challenge

"Happy New Year"

And with all of the joy, comes our new found resolve to achieve great things. Lose weight, get fit, make money, find the perfect mate...and on and on it goes. We hear a lot about "New Year's Resolutions". I wonder why we never hear about "New Month's Resolutions" or "New Week's Resolutions" or even "New Day's Resolutions". I suppose it is because we only make one attempt a year at trying to achieve our goals.

Yet, if you are vaguely human, then you probably have abandoned your New Year's Resolution before the end of Jan. That gives you 11 months to ponder what went wrong before the next year.

What is it about us that we cant keep up with our plans? Why can't we keep up with our great ambitions? There are 3 Ps that are vital to achieving our New Year's Resolutions - Passion, Purpose, and Path.

On Jan 1 we have a Passion. Maybe as a result of the hangover from the New Year's Eve party...or the extra flab still clinging tenaciously to us from the previous year...but whatever it is we have a passion to achieve our goal.

Next there is the Purpose...the goal, the result we want. We can see it. We can see our new toned form, our fit bod. We know exactly what it is.

But alas, it is the last P...Path that is most times missing. You can have all the Passion (push), all the Purpose (pull) but without the Path - the pipe between push and pull, we never get there.

So, forget the New Year's Resolution - I'm challenging you to a "New YOUs Resolution". This is much more fun, and something you WILL achieve.

Pop in here - - and sign up. This is something YOU will achieve and the rewards include - great bod, improved health, more wealth...OK, all sounds too good to be true. Well, try the's FREE so you have nothing to lose...

Go to Now and join the New YOUs Resolution Challenge!

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