Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Have to...Love to

Nicky and I have just returned from an exhilarating 5km run in the rain. And while we were out there it struck me that we just love to run....

There are two key reasons people do things in life - have to or love to. This applies to everything from religion to sport.

When it comes to exercise, many people do it because they have to. The doctor has told them they only have 53.5 days to live unless they get fitter. Or their jeans have just split again courtesy of the over-ample waist. Whatever the reason, many people decide to take up running because they have to.

However, the problem with this approach is that it is not sustainable. Or if it is sustained it is with much anguish, determination and gritted teeth. Typically the slightest excuse is enough to abandon the running and revert to the old, more "pleasant" sedentary ways.

But when people are engaged in something they Love to do, it's totally different. You do not need to be encouraged to go out and watch a movie if you love to do it. There is no teeth gritting to go out and enjoy a sumptuous meal if you love your food. It's easy - because you love it.

So when it comes to running the most important thing is that you love to do it! But sadly many people approach it from the wrong way. I have to lose weight. I have to run faster. I have to get a Personal Best. I have to sweat you don't!

The joy of the Running Easy approach is that you run because you love to. And why is it a joy? Because its not about trying harder - but trying easier. It's not about gritted teeth its about relaxed flow. Its not about your Personal Best time its about your best personal time.

So change your approach - learn to run easy and you'll find that you love to run. And if you love to run, you'll reach all your dreams and goals.

You have to love to!

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