Thursday, July 9, 2009

Running Easy - A Fun Approach

It's a different approach, and it's called "Running Easy". Our whole philosophy is around "Running Easy", and central to this is that it is all about having a fun time - something that is not usually associated with running and getting fit.

Most running programs are about Running Hard - hurting your body so you can get fit. It's the old adage "No Pain No Gain". Unfortunately these programs are physically and psychologically traumatizing. After seeing that you need to run 15 times a week, cross train an additional 37 times and then do hill training, temp training, fartleks and other rude sounding things - it is little wonder people either give up or head to the psychiatrist for PRSD (post reading-fitness-program stress disorder).

Running Easy is all about running easy- it's about running in the zone where both your body and mind are happy. Besides the science which proves that this is the only zone where you lose weight, get fit, increase immunity and experience the runners high - it is also the best approach to keeping up with your fitness. Most people drop out of running programs or fitness programs because the only reason they're doing them is to lose weight or get fitter. But when the program itself is fun, enjoyable, makes you feel fantastic PLUS you get fit, lose weight, get healthier and feel great - then you'd never give it up.

It's sort of like the pizza and movie program of fitness. Imagine if eating pizzas and watching movies also made you fit, healthy, and slimmer. Well - it doesn't but Running Easy does. Once you get into it, understand the philosophy and approach, we guarantee you'll enjoy it more than pizzas and movies. You'll love your running, and the fitness, weight loss, health improvement and great feeling will just be extras! Now that is something to look forward to.

So, if you are "knuckle-dragging-densely-boned" (quote from one of our members) then no worries! You can still Run Easy. First up listen to the Head Coach, and that is not us or the program, it is your body. It's the first to tell you how to train. So if you've joined this group because you're huffing, feeling overweight, getting tired etc, you are already listening to your body - the Head Coach. It's telling you it does not want to feel like this for the remaining 60 years! And I agree with your body - it is really clever.

Now as you train you need to continue to listen to it. That means that when you run, if your body screams at you, then you're Running Hard - so try Running Easy. If you start running a hill and halfway up you are panting like a Greco-Roman wrestler then listen and walk. If you are walking and feel you have extra energy then start a slow jog. That's what Running Easy is about. It's about listening to your body. It's not rocket-science, but amazingly most people don't follow this approach.

Just keep listening to the Head Coach - your body. We will be the Assistant Coach and give suggested programs, schedules, advice etc. But if the Head Coach says "too fast" then Head Coach is right.

Don't be surprised that getting fit and losing weight is "not supposed to hurt" (a surprise one member expressed). We know that most programs are based on the "no pain no gain" Running Harder approach. However with Running Easy, if you are not aching like a Burmese frog caught in the spokes of a bicycle, then something must be wrong.

Running Easy is about letting your body tell you how you're going. You slowly increase, as you feel stronger and fitter. Now, there will be some pain - your muscles will get stiff and sore as your body responds to you putting it under stress. That is part of getting fit. However if you're feeling like the Burmese frog all the time, then you're Running Hard - ease off, listen, Run Easy and you'll benefit more.

So follow the programs we suggest. Listen to your Head Coach (your body who will let you know how things are going in no uncertain terms. Running too much, and Running hard is based on pseudo-science that makes you think that running makes you fit! It doesn't. In fact when you run your body is being broken down. You get fit when you rest. Your body responds to the strain you put it under and then strengthens. So if you don't rest enough, and simply keep increasing your mileage you will break your body (and your mind) and you will get injuries, and possibly even get sick.

So follow what we say in the program. We have built in rest days and the distance goes up and down. Overall it will increase, but this is done slowly so that the Head Coach does not get upset. Watch our posts and programs as we load them here. It will transform your life as you experience the benefits of Running Easy - Fitness, Weight Loss, Improved Health, and a Great Feeling - and you'll enjoy doing it!

Look Good - Feel Great

Yours in Running Easy
Craig & Nicky

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